Box Tops for Education
Help the school earn money by clipping Box Top coupons from participating products and sending them to school with your child.
They are submitted in October and February, but are collected throughout the year. eBoxTops can also be earned when you shop online with participating retailers.
The money earned from Box Tops will be used towards programs, events and technology upgrades at Indian Fields and Dayton that enrich our children's education
For more information on Box Tops for Education, visit http://www.boxtops4education.com/.
To get a list of participating products and/or to find out more earning eBoxTops through marketplace, visit http://www.boxtops4education.com/earn/
Send in your Box Tops today!!!
Remember to include your child's teacher's name on the Box Tops sent in!!!

Stop & Shop A+ School Rewards Program
Help our school earn money by registering your Stop & Shop card.
Once your card is registered, Indian Fields will accumulate points every time you shop and use your card. The points accumulated will be used to calculate the cash amount being credited to our school's account.
This money will then be used enhancing and enriching our children's education.
To register your Stop & Shop card, visit http://www.stopandshop.com/aplus
Our school number is 13580.
To find out more about how the program works or to see how your points are earning cash for our school, visit http://www.stopandshop.com/aplus
This is just another way to support the PTO and help the PTO provide enrichment to the children. Thank you for registering your card and supporting the PTO !!!!
Every time you shop, we earn money to help the children !!! Sign up NOW!!!